Race Build-Up Track | The Runner’s Strength Lab


For runners in a race training cycle – workouts are 3x/week, and 40-45 minutes total per session



The Runner’s Strength Lab is a comprehensive 12-week program designed to make you the strongest, fastest, and most injury-resilient version of your running self. All workouts include a ‘movement prep’ warm-up, optional plyometric circuit, and then a main strength portion.

The Race Build-Up Track is for runners in a race-specific build-up, or high volume runners with less time and energy to lift.. Workouts in this track are 2 days per week and designed to take 40-45 minutes from start to finish. There is also an optional additional 20 minute Core & Stability Day included.

Equipment needed for Strength Lab workouts:

  • At least a few pairs of heavy (for you) weights – dumbbells and/or kettlebells
  • An exercise bench or box
  • A miniband
  • A few long bands
  • A stability ball

For runners who like to train with barbells, this program is compatible with barbells, as there are plenty of barbell substitutions offered. However, you should still have a few pairs of heavy dumbbells and/or kettlebells, as well.

Once you purchase, you’ll receive a link to join Superset (the app that hosts The Runner’s Strength lab) with your programming within 24 hours.

As The Runner’s Strength Lab is a digital product, it is nonrefundable once purchased.