I’m Montana DePasquale, Founder, Owner, and Head Coach of Coach Montana DePasquale.

Here’s how I can help you.


Let’s Become Internet Official 📩

The best way to stay in touch? Follow me on social media and sign up for my newsletter, Pre-Run Coffee, a weekly look inside my brain and coaching practice. Here you’ll get actionable running research, real-life anecdotes, gear and recipe recommendations – and occasional opportunities for FREE COACHING 👀 – delivered right to your inbox.

Get 15% off Momentous

I first found Momentous years ago when looking for a plant-based protein powder that had good-quality, simple ingredients and didn’t taste chalky. I started exclusively using them during my first pregnancy, because I wanted a brand that was NSF-certified (third-party tested) and that I could trust was safe. I’ve never looked back since. I’m a supplement-minimalist, but the three products I take every single day are their Plant-Based Protein, Creatine, and Collagen.

Run Coaching

6-12 months of personalized, high-touch run coaching is the most effective way to reach your goals. 1:1 coaching is my signature service and one I’ve refined over 5+ years of working in the online space. We’ll work as a team to help you become your smartest, strongest, fastest self, and leave no stone unturned.

The Postpartum Runner Power Hour

For the new mom who’s eager to get back to her running routine but wants to make sure she’s doing things right. We’ll discuss your pregnancy and pre-pregnancy exercise history, how your pregnancy, labor, and birth went – as well as how the early stages of postpartum are going. I’ll talk you through a detailed return-to-running screen, and we’ll chat through a road map with clear, actionable next steps to get you strong, healthy, and back to running safely. I’ll follow up with a completely custom 8 week return-to-running program that meets you exactly where you’re starting from.

Training Plans

Need help ASAP? My training plans are a great option for the independent runner who can take a plan and roll with it on their own. Through my training plans, you’ll get smart, progressive, evidence-based training, as well as a taste of the philosophy I use with my 1:1 clients.

Strength Training

Everyone learns differently, which is why I’ve created strength programs for runners in two different formats. My strength programs are cutting-edge and based on the latest research – unlike a lot of other strength programs for runners on the market. To get the results you want from strength training – getting faster, more powerful, more mobile, and injury-resilient – all strength training is not created equally.

Just getting your feet wet with strength training?

Buy one of my instant-download PDF programs. They’re 8-12 weeks long and include photo demos for each and every movement – making it easy for you to follow along.

Ready to take your strength training to the next level?

The Runner’s Strength Lab is my signature app-based strength program for runners who want to lift with intention and for optimal results. For the cost of a pair of running shoes, you get a comprehensive 12-week program that covers all your strength and conditioning needs – progressed appropriately and periodized based on your current phase of training.

Media & Speaking Engagements

Hire me for media opportunities and speaking engagements to teams and groups. My superpower is helping runners cut through the noise of the online running and fitness industry and dissect what’s really worth spending their time on – and what’s actually going to drive them results.

More About Me

I help people from all over the world go after their big running goals – be it to complete their fastest race, first race, build back from injury, or just find more joy in running. I also specialize in working with pregnant and postpartum runners. I’ve been online coaching for over 5 years, prior to which I coached or interned at the high school, D1 college, and professional levels. I’ve also completed internships at the US Olympic Training Center and at a strength and conditioning facility. And I’m a former D1 runner myself – with over 16 years of personal running experience.

When I’m not working, running, or lifting in my garage gym, I’m mom-ing my two kiddos, cooking up something delicious in my kitchen, or traveling around Rhode Island in search of a new coffee shop.